Slot Scheduling in Lean Manufacturing

Updated: May 28, 2023

What is Slot Scheduling?

In manufacturing, various techniques are employed for production scheduling to optimize operations, improve efficiency, and meet production targets. Here are some commonly used productions scheduling techniques.

  • Forward Scheduling.

  • Backward Scheduling.

  • Slot scheduling and load leveling.

ERP systems usually work the best in Push environment when they use forecasts or schedules, without regard for what is needed by the next operation. Forward and backward scheduling are best fitted for those models.

Slot Scheduling and Lean Manufacturing

In lean manufacturing when the objective is to maximize the flow through a pull system, slot scheduling and level loading are the most effective scheduling method. This method helps to ensure that production activities are carried out efficiently and effectively within a fixed time frame. Slot scheduling involves dividing time into specific intervals or slots and allocating resources and tasks to these slots based on their availability and requirements.

Slot scheduling can be used to improve productivity by minimizing downtime and optimizing resource utilization. For example, slot scheduling can be used to allocate time slots for different production activities such as machine setup, maintenance, and production runs. This helps to ensure that resources are used efficiently, and that production is completed on time and within budget.

How to Implement Slot Scheduling

Here are some steps to implement slot scheduling in lean manufacturing:

  1. Identify the Production Flow: Analyze the manufacturing process to identify the different steps involved, including workstations, machines, and tasks required to complete the production. Understand the dependencies and sequences between the steps.

  2. Determine Takt Time: Takt time is the available time divided by customer demand. It represents the time available to produce one unit to meet customer demand. Calculate the takt time to establish the pace of production.

  3. Divide Production into Slots: Divide the available production time into slots based on the takt time. Each slot should be of equal duration to maintain a consistent production rhythm.

  4. Analyze Workstation Capacity: Assess the capacity and capability of each workstation or machine involved in the production process. Determine the maximum output or cycle time for each workstation.

  5. Assign Tasks to Slots: Assign tasks or operations to each slot based on their sequence, workstation requirements, and cycle times. Consider the dependencies between tasks and ensure smooth flow from one slot to another.

  6. Optimize Workstation Setup: Organize workstations in a way that minimizes the movement of materials, reduces changeover time, and maximizes efficiency. Use techniques like 5S (Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) to optimize the workstations.

  7. Implement Pull System: Implement a pull system such as Kanban or Just-in-Time (JIT) to ensure that work is released to the production floor only when there is a demand downstream. This helps to avoid overproduction and reduces inventory.

  8. Monitor and Improve: Continuously monitor the slot scheduling system and gather data on production output, cycle times, bottlenecks, and any issues that arise. Analyze the data to identify areas for improvement and implement changes accordingly.

  9. Continuous Improvement: Apply Lean principles such as Kaizen (continuous improvement) to refine the slot scheduling process over time. Involve employees in identifying improvement opportunities and implementing solutions.

Benefits of Slot Scheduling

By implementing slot scheduling in lean manufacturing, you can achieve a more synchronized and efficient production process, reduce waste, improve quality, and respond effectively to customer demand.

Slot scheduling can also help manufacturers to be more responsive to changes in demand and adjust their production schedules accordingly. By allocating production slots based on customer orders or demand forecasts, manufacturers can be more flexible and efficient in their production processes.

However, it is important to note that slot scheduling should be used in conjunction with other lean manufacturing techniques such as kanban, heijunka, takt time scheduling, and flow scheduling. These techniques help to minimize waste, reduce cycle times, and improve overall efficiency and effectiveness of the manufacturing process.